Kitchen Table Dreams Podcast

E76: Chile lets catch up and talk about letting things go

Coach Chef Kimberly Houston Episode 76

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After spending 4 days driving across the US (twice) I realized that I've hit a season of purging in my life and I'm going to give you all the details in today's podcast episode.

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  Hello friends, this is Coach Chef Kim and welcome back to another episode of the Positive Voice Podcast. It's been a couple of minutes and there are so many things we need to catch up on. So the first thing I want to say is this, for those of you who supported me at Cookie Con a couple of weeks ago, thank you so much.

Um, there have been so many DMs and Emails, uh, were people who were either at the conference or they saw it after we posted it on YouTube. Uh, you can see the entire keynote on YouTube at Code Chef Kim. Um, the outpouring of love has been absolutely incredible and I 100 percent thank you and really, really appreciate it.

Um Moving forward. So let me tell y'all what happened after cookie con. I kept getting the same question over and over again. And that question is what is next?  Um, and so I was like, Ooh,  that is indeed a question of what is next. And so, um, what's next is.  Because Cookie Con also fell just a couple of days after my birthday, um, this is a season of pruning that I've realized, but not in a bad way.

Just kind of like, if it's not a hell yes, it's a no. And there were some things that I was doing in my life that I decided were no longer a hell yes for me. There may have been a season in which they were a hell yes, um, but that season has passed. And so anything that was  draining me of energy, sucking life away from me, I let it go.

One of those things being a meal planning membership. And, um, while it is something that I could do, it's kind of low hanging fruit. It's just something I would be good at. It's nothing that moves me to be very honest. Um, not to devote the amount of time, care and attention.  That I was devoting to it earlier.

And so we've adapted and we've adjusted. And, um, you know, one of the things that I really had to sit with in making this decision was,  is it making dollars and cents?  Are you holding on to a portion of your business that is not making you any money?  And you're holding on to the promise. Or the hope that at some point it will make you money.

And then my question to that is, does it make dollars and cents? If I were incredibly passionate about this and felt like I had been called to do it, that this was a part of my divine assignment, then I probably would have kept it.  But it's not a part of my divine assignment. My divine assignment is bringing people together.

And yes, that is healing through food, but also healing through practical things like coaching, healing through online programming that I'm creating, healing through in person events, healing through keynote speeches, right? And so that is my divine assignment. That is where my time and my energy should be spent without me having to sacrifice that time, which means that the people who are waiting on me to help them move to the next level in their life and in their business are put on the back burner because I'm trying to record videos of me cooking. 

The other thing that was happening was I was losing my joy for cooking. My love language is I'm a cook for you, right? Um, if you, you come into my bosom, you come into my home, like I'm going to feed you. And I didn't want to,  I didn't want to do that. And so I knew it was time for me to let it go. And when I made the decision to kind of go through Thinking about all the things that were going on in my life, uh, right after my birthday and really thinking about that.

What is next? I had two days in a car, driving home to figure it out from Texas to Atlanta. Um, and so  on that very long car ride, I paid it out and I realized it was time to let it go and that's okay. Right. Um, it's not gone completely or fully. I want to share recipes in the way that I want to share them in a way that feels good to me, in a way that feels unique to me, in a way that feels special to me.

And it will come out monthly now, instead of me trying to create five recipes a week. We're just going to do a monthly newsletter. That gives you a couple of recipes and a couple of tips on saving money at the bank as an entrepreneur saving money at the grocery store as an entrepreneur, um, because I don't believe that there is a work life balance.

I believe that you can balance your life between. Work in those things that are not work.  And so as you are seeking a balance within your life, one of those things is money, right? Like we're not going to shy away from it. The cost of living is expensive. The cost of groceries is sky high. And with the new port  strike that is happening, it's going to go up in the coming weeks.

And so I want to make sure that I still do  that piece. Of this and the holistic look at the entrepreneurial life is that you can save money where you can And so I will still offer those tips But they will just come out monthly now instead of me making that my primary thing Now as far as my primary thing goes, it will be 100 coaching y'all.

I have jumped I have leaped so So quickly so hard so fast. Actually, it wasn't really fast. Um  An opportunity was presented to join a coaching certification program. And if you've been listening or following it any amount of time, you know, that I went to school for this. So I was working on a master's degree in transformational coaching, uh, and leadership and, uh, that school closed during the middle of my program.

And so I enrolled in a PhD program because I already had a master's, so I used those credits and enrolled in a PhD program that was supposed to support it and continue it. And then my father died.  And after my father passed away, um, I took two semesters off and I made the decision that right now was not the time for me to go back to school.

And so that is where we now sit. And so an opportunity was presented for me to continue my education and continue learning as a coach. Um,  But on a much bigger realm, and so, um, I am thrilled to say that I am now one of the newest members of Rachel Rogers, author of We Shall All Be Millionaires.  If you're looking at it, that's her book  of her coaching program.

Um, and it's a coaching certification. I'm sorry, not a program, a coaching certification that, um, helps  coaches who are talking to entrepreneurs, who are helping entrepreneurs, who are serving entrepreneurs to be able to serve them on all levels of business. So from the startup to the CEO.  To the multimillion dollar CEO.

And so I'm looking forward to that day kicks off at the end of October. Um, and so I have leaped, I have jumped.  Both feeding fully into coaching full time. Um,  and that being, it feels in complete alignment with where I'm supposed to be. Um, when I received the vision back in June that I would make a million dollars, I thought that I would make that million dollars through the affordable foodie membership. 

And as things are progressing, and I was looking at the data, that's just not in my heart wasn't in it, but I could not understand how exactly I was going to make a million dollars as a coach.  Well, until you see it, it's hard for you to see it sometimes. Right. And so, um, Rachel Rogers is 100 percent someone who has a multimillion dollar corporation and coaches other entrepreneurs.

And so I am looking forward to.  Being in a room where I'm not the highest level of education where I'm not the smartest one in the room where I can learn from other people. Um, and I think that's incredible. I also have a, a fundamental belief that if an Olympian has a coach,  then we should all have coaches to if the people at the top of their game.

Submit to a coach, then I think that we should as well. Um, and one of the things that I learned and realized is that it's a poverty mindset when you say I can't afford a coach. Well, we can't afford a whole lot of things right now, yet you still come up with ways to do that. And so being able to be in the presence of someone that can help you cut your problem solving time in half, or even three fourths cut it, right, because they can look at this from an unbiased, non emotional state and offer you information. 

I think that that is a disservice that a lot of entrepreneurs do to themselves. Um, and so for those of you who may be listening to the positive voice podcast right now, you're like, no, I'm really not in a financial place where I can hire a coach. There's no problem. There's a couple of things I want to tell you.

Um, number one. Is that there's a lot of free content that is out. There's a lot of free content that's on my YouTube channel. Um, that's on social media platforms. Uh, particularly I do a lot of things on TikTok that are not on other platforms. Uh, but I will be posting a lot more. long form content on YouTube.

And then of course you have the podcast, right? So it can help you, uh, move through some situations in your life and move through some situations in your business without you necessarily having to invest in a coach. That's number one. Number two, there are opportunities for one on one coaching. So one on one coaching, um, you can see all that information down below.

If you are interested in it,  um, the one on one coaching that I offer  is more, it is absolutely geared towards you and it helps you have a clear path in a clear direction before we end our call. Um, and so then if you're like, well, I can't really afford it, you know, the monthly thing, cool that you have that one on one opportunity.

And then for those who want the ongoing coaching, you want access to a coach. You want access to a community of entrepreneurial leaders.  And then that would be our group coaching, which is now open. So emergence coaching just reopened this week. Um, we've run cohort 1 and 2. this is the 3rd cohort of the year  people who paid for cohort 1 and cohort 2 are.

Automatically grandfathered into any other cohort. And so I do love that part about our  programming that we do have going on, but you're allowed to come in and we talk about life and we talk about business and we come up with strategies and we brainstorm different things that is difficult for creative entrepreneurs to kind of see things on a straight and narrow path.

And so we have conversation about those things. If you want to know what that looks like. If you go to Coach F Kim on Instagram or go to Coach F Kim on YouTube, um, there is a Q4 business boost 90 minute conversation that happened this week, um, which was our first night of emergence. And I'm literally coaching live.

I did it on Instagram. I went live on Instagram while I was coaching.  And so now we have that information up and it'll stay up, right? So if you go take a look at that and you're like, Oh my God, These are some great tips. These are some tips. I've lived to apply my business. I wish I had a community to connect with.

Please come and connect with us. So those are the things that I have for you guys right now. Um, I am going to do my best to be more consistent with the podcast now that we're home and not traveling as much. Um, I'll keep you updated on how I feel about being an entrepreneur who took on a part time job, um, and what that looks like and how that shows up in my entrepreneurial life.

It shows up, I promise you, if you have a corporate job and you are an entrepreneur, bless you, because the way I have learned it, there's two different completely mindsets. Um, it is wild to me how different a corporate entity runs from the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur absolutely has more leeway and you can freestyle your life a little bit easier.

So we will talk about those things in the coming weeks and months. Um, if there's anything as always that you guys want. Want me to cover want me to talk about if you want to submit and ask CCK question,  make sure you hit me up at Kimberly at coach of Kim. com. And I will be sure to get that on our podcast until next time.

Stay sweet friends. 

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