Kitchen Table Dreams Podcast

E84: Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

• Coach Chef Kimberly Houston • Episode 84

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Welcome back to The Positive Voice Podcast! 🌟 I’m Kimberly, your host, here to help you cultivate a mindset that allows you to thrive in both business and life.

In this episode, we’re diving into a topic that holds so many of us back: limiting beliefs. These persistent thoughts tell us what we can’t do, who we can’t be, and what’s impossible for us—but it’s time to break free.

🔑 What You’ll Learn:

  • What limiting beliefs are (and what they’re not!)
  • How these beliefs manifest in your body and keep you stuck
  • Grounding techniques to release limiting beliefs
  • Actionable tools like journaling, movement practices, and affirmations to step into freedom

💡 Key Takeaways:
Limiting beliefs don’t just live in your mind; they affect your body too. Learn how to reconnect with yourself and release these barriers so you can move toward your highest potential.

✨ BONUS: I’ll guide you through a powerful grounding exercise to help you release tension and limiting beliefs, step by step.

💬 Let’s Connect!
If you try any of the techniques in this episode, I’d love to hear about your experience! Tag me on Instagram @CoachChefKim or send me a message.

🎥 Watch Next: Check out this week’s YouTube video for an extended visualization practice to fully embody freedom and possibility: 

📖 Resources Mentioned:

If you’re ready to challenge your beliefs and create a life you love, hit play and join me on this transformational journey. 🌈

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Welcome back to The Positive Voice Podcast. I'm Kimberly, your host here to help you cultivate a mindset that allows you to thrive in business and life. Today's episode is all about breaking free from limiting beliefs. So often we get trapped in our own heads, replaying doubts and fears like a broken record. But what if I told you that the key to freedom lies not just in thinking differently, but in reconnecting with your body. In this episode, we'll dive into how limiting beliefs manifest, how they impact us physically, and some powerful techniques to help break free and step into your true potential. I remember a time when I kept telling myself, I'm not ready to take this next big step in business. That belief wasn't just a thought, it was a feeling, a tightness in my chest, like my body was holding on to fear, and once I learned how to get out of my head and into my body, I discovered a whole new level of freedom, and I want to share that with you today.
This episode is where the Woo meets the work. Let's start by understanding what limiting beliefs are and why they help keep us stuck. Starting with the basics, limiting beliefs are those persistent, often unspoken thoughts that tell you what you cannot do, who you cannot be, or what's impossible for you. Limiting beliefs are those little voices in your head that tell you you're not good enough, not smart enough or capable enough. Oftentimes, these limiting beliefs started as a mistaken belief, as in someone else told you you were not good enough, you were not smart enough or not capable enough. That was someone else's belief that they imposed on you, making it a mistaken belief. It became a limiting belief when their voice began to fade and you began to say it to yourself. This could also show up in things like this. I can't start this business.
I don't have enough experience. Success isn't meant for people like me. What if I fail and everyone sees I'm not smart enough to figure this out? People like me don't succeed. I'll never be able to charge what I'm worth. These beliefs are usually shaped by our past experiences, childhood or societal expectations. They often come from moments where we felt judged, rejected, or like we didn't measure up, and over time, these moments create stories in our minds that replay whenever we're about to step out of our comfort zones. Limiting beliefs act like invisible barriers. You can't see them, but they'll quietly influence your decisions, action, and even how you perceive opportunities. For example, you might hesitate to apply for a job or a pitch to a client because of the belief I'm not good enough is running in the background of your mind. But here's the thing, limiting beliefs do not just living your head, they also affect your body too.
Have you ever noticed that when you're doubting yourself, your shoulders tense up, your breathing gets shallow, or your stomach feels like it's a knot? That's your body holding onto the belief as if it's protecting you from failure, but instead of protecting you, it's actually keeping you stuck. Now that we've discussed what limiting beliefs are, I think it's equally as important to know what limiting beliefs are not. Limiting beliefs are not the occasional doubts or questions that we all experience when trying something new, so this is what I mean by that. Feeling nervous before a big presentation is not a limiting belief. That's just a normal reaction to stepping outside of your comfort zone. Taking time to evaluate and whether an opportunity aligns with your values and your goals is not a limiting belief that my friends is discernment. Wanting to gather more information before making a decision is not a limiting belief.
It's wisdom repeatedly going over that decision over and over and over again and failing to execute. That is not a limiting belief. That is called failure to launch syndrome. Limiting beliefs are repetitive, unhelpful patterns that keep you stuck or hold you back from even trying. They don't just raise questions. They tell you the answer is no before you've even had a chance to start. This matters because when you can separate limiting beliefs from natural doubts or thoughtful discernments, you empower yourself to respond differently. You might say, okay, this is just a little fear of the unknown, not a sign that I am incapable. Recognizing the difference helps you challenge the belief that you're holding back while honoring the emotions or instincts that might actually be helping you move forward. Now that we've explored what limiting beliefs are and what they are not, let's dive into how we can start to release them, not just from our minds but also from our bodies.
So we're going to start with a grounding practice to bring you into the present moment wherever you are. If it is safe to do so, close your eyes. For those of you that are driving, make sure you continue to pay attention, but just listen and you can come back to this at any point if you need to. Okay. When you are ready, close your eyes. Feel your feet on the ground firmly planted. Imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet, connecting you to the earth. Now take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth. With each exhale, imagine releasing the tension and the stories that you've been holding on to. We're going to do that two more times. Inhale, deeply and exhale, letting go. One more time. Inhale and exhale. Now bring your attention to your body. Notice where you're holding tension.
Is it in your shoulders, your jaws, your stomach? Sometimes these physical sensations are our body's way of saying, Hey, there's something here we need to release. Take a moment to simply observe. Without judgment, breathe into that area of tension. Imagine the belief you are holding onto is stored there like a knot with each breath. See that knot loosening. Inhale and exhale. See that not unraveling. Inhale and exhale. See that not unraveling, loosening and dissolving. I want you to visualize your limiting belief as a physical object. Maybe it's a heavy backpack you've been carrying for years. Maybe it's a boulder sitting on your chest. Whatever comes to mind is perfect. Now, imagine yourself gently setting that object down. As you do. Repeat this affirmation. I release what no longer serves me. I step into freedom and possibility. We're going to say that together. I release what no longer serves me.
I step into freedom and possibility Once more, I release what no longer serves me. I step into freedom and possibility. Feel the weight lifting. Feel your body lighter, freer. Take one more deep breath and open your eyes when you're ready. For those of you that have the awareness that you need more loving kindness sent to different places of your body, I'm going to link a podcast episode that is called a Loving Kindness Meditation for my time spent in a MINDBODY doctoral program last year. It will help you relax, relate to yourself, and release tension on a much deeper level. Set aside some time to do this when you can connect with the breath for a few minutes without interruption. We're going to move into some action steps that will help you with your limiting beliefs, so up first our journal prompts. Here are some journaling prompts that you can use when you are breaking free from limiting beliefs.
Question number one, what belief am I holding onto that no longer serves me? Number two, how does this belief show up in my body? Number three, what new belief can I choose to replace it with? My challenge to you would be to spend five to 10 minutes a day with these prompts and see what comes up. Remember, awareness is the first step to change. Secondly, I would incorporate a daily movement practice. Another great way to release beliefs that you no longer want to hold onto beliefs that no longer serve you is through movement. Our body store emotions and moving our can help us process and move the emotion out. It can allow us to release. It could be something as simple as a 10 minute yoga flow. You could do a walk in nature that is definitely one of my favorite, or dancing to your favorite song in your living room.
Any of those three are perfect movement meditation moments that you could just spend 10 minutes a day doing whatever feels good to you, just move and let your body guide you. The third thing I would suggest is to create daily affirmations to replace your limiting belief. For example, instead of I'm not good enough, say I am capable, worthy, and deserving of success. Instead of I might fail, say every step I take is leading me to grow. Write your affirmation down as you set your intentions every morning and be sure to say it out loud. Also, as a pro tip, if you are a journaler or if you are a scripter and you want to take this to the next level, one of the things that I've started doing is writing things out as gratitude and in the affirmative. So instead of I want to have X, y, z, say, I'm grateful for X, y, z as though you already have it.
One of the things we have to understand is that we create as we speak, and so if you begin to give gratitude for something that a future version of you already has, then the universe has to align itself with what you are being grateful for. Before we conclude this episode, I want to affirm those of you who know you are in the midst of a transition and things look differently for you, you're not crazy. As I've stated before, I've jumped timelines previously in the most recent time was last week. I made a statement to my coach this morning that a future version of me has already done the work that I'm doing and she's incredibly successful. I feel that with everything in my body, and so when she asked me how was I getting along with the information that we're absorbing right now in our coaching program, I told her I was fine because a future version of me has already done this, and this version of me is encountering it and it is directly in alignment with the timeline of my high is good.
If you are feeling that, knowing deep within and it's a knowing, you just know. You just know. Okay, and if you know that you know what you are feeling deep within, it feels impossible for other people, but for you, it makes perfect sense. I want you to lean into that feeling and trust your intuition. You are 100% on aligned path. I hope today's episode has given you tools to not only identify your limiting beliefs, but also to release them and step into freedom. Remember, breaking free starts with awareness and continues with consistent practice that brings you back to your truth. I'd love to hear how these exercises worked for you. Tag me on Instagram at Coach Chef Kim or send me a message. If you try the grounding or visualization practices, please let me know, and if you want to dive deeper into this topic, check out this week's YouTube video where I'm going to guide you through a step-by-step visualization process to release some beliefs and embody freedom. Until next time, friends, stay true to yourself, follow your dreams and make shit happen. I'll see you on the next episode.

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