Kitchen Table Dreams Podcast

E91: Reframe Your Thoughts & Transform Your Business | The Affirmation Episode

• Coach Chef Kimberly Houston • Episode 91

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🚀 Your mindset shapes your success! 🚀

In this episode of The Positive Voice, I’m teaching you how to reframe your thoughts as an entrepreneur so that you’re working with your mind, not against it. Because let’s be real—entrepreneurship is a wild ride! Some days, you’re on top of the world. Other days, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and fear try to take over.

But here’s the shift: Instead of asking “What if it doesn’t work?” start asking “What if it DOES?” ✨

Inside This Episode, You’ll Learn:
âś… How to flip the fear and turn doubt into possibility
âś… Why replacing "I can't" with "How can I?" changes everything
âś… The secret to speaking your success into existence

🌟 Your Challenge: Pick ONE of these reframes and use it every single day this week. Notice how it changes the way you show up! When you do, tag me on Instagram @CoachChefKim so I can celebrate your mindset shift with you! 🎉

Grab the Show Notes HERE

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Hey, hey, welcome back to The Positive Voice. I am your host, Coach Chef Kim, alignment coach and business strategist. Here to help you move through life and business with more ease, clarity and way more joy. Today we are talking about the power of reframing your thoughts because baby, let's be real. Entrepreneurship is a wild ride. Some days you will feel on top of the world, other days your mind is spiraling with self-doubt, imposter syndrome or the sneaky little voice whispering,

What if it doesn't work? But today we're flipping the script. Instead of asking what if it doesn't work, we're gonna shift to a different question. What if it does? What if your next move is exactly what takes you to your breakthrough? What if everything you want is on the other side of a mindset shift? Y'all ready? Let's dig in. So the way we think shapes everything. Thoughts become beliefs.

beliefs become actions, actions create our reality. If you tell yourself, I'm not ready, you'll hesitate. If you believe I'll never figure this out, you won't even try. If you say it's too hard, your brain will look for evidence to prove you right. But the opposite is also true. If you tell yourself I'm capable of figuring this out, you'll start problem solving. If you say I'm worthy of success, you'll show up with confidence. If you think

things are always working out for me, you will begin to notice the ways that they actually are. So today I want to walk you through three ways you can start reframing your thoughts as an entrepreneur so that you're working with your mind and not against it. Number one, flip the fear. So we're going to dig into how do you flip your mindset when you have a fear based question. So CCK, what is a fear based question?

What if I fail is a fear based question. So instead of asking, what if I fail? Ask, what if I succeed beyond my wildest dreams? As an alignment coach who works with culinary entrepreneurs, foodie entrepreneurs, creative entrepreneurs, I hear all the time, CCK, what if I start this business and it doesn't?

Coach-Chef Kimberly Houston (02:23.11)
My response to them at all times is, what if it does? And I mean that. That is not a rhetorical question. I want you to answer it. What if it does work? What if this thing that you've been holding onto that's bubbling up inside of you that you are ready to give birth to, what if this is the exact thing that changes your life? Your brain naturally wants to protect you from risk, but the key to growth

is learning to see possibilities, not just pitfalls. So my suggestion is gonna be the next time you catch yourself asking a fear-based what if, immediately counter it with a possibility-based what if. So instead of saying, what if no one buys my offer, say, what if the right people are just waiting for me to put this out?

see how differently that feels in your body. And the second one will motivate you to get the offer out. Number two, replace I can't with how can I? So in this reframe, it could be I can't figure this out. Whenever you feel like you cannot figure something out, ask the question, how can I make this work? Or how can I see things differently? How can I see things differently has become my favorite question.

to ask whenever I'm struggling, okay? Your brain loves solving problems. When you say, can't, you're immediately shutting down all the solutions before they even have a chance to form. But when you shift into how can I, how can I make this work? How can I see things differently? You're telling your brain to start looking for possibilities.

If I'm perfectly honest with you, if you follow me on social media, you saw a post from me today that said I recorded a podcast episode and it didn't feel right to put it out. And I was like, I don't know when y'all gonna get this week's episode. And this is completely out of the norm for me because I publish every Wednesday morning at midnight. And this week I didn't because I was working on something else. And as soon as I did that, I was like, girl.

Coach-Chef Kimberly Houston (04:47.33)
That's not what we do here. That's not what we do here. How can we see things differently? And then boom, I immediately had a new idea for a podcast, recorded it, and I'm going to release it tonight. So when you give yourself the opportunity to say, how can I, your brain will start looking for other possibilities. So whenever you feel stuck, replace I can't with how can I and watch how your perspective shifts. You can also use this as something like,

Instead of saying I can't get new clients, ask the question, how can I make my offer more visible?

So for number three, speak your success into existence. Now y'all know I named this podcast The Positive Voice because a friend of mine said that I am the positive voice in her head on tough days. And that is literally where the positive voice came from. You are gonna have to learn to speak over yourself. All right, so instead of saying something like, hope this works, say, this is already working in my favor.

I literally think about my success before I release something. I plan for my success and I want you to do the same. Hope is great, but belief is powerful. It is great that we hope this works out, but your belief in yourself is going to be far more powerful because it's going to be in alignment with where you're going as opposed to hope. When you declare that something

is already happening, you start showing up in a way that aligns with the belief. You start moving with confidence. Your confidence will attract the results. See the ripple effect? So start every morning with an affirmation that reinforces the reality you want to create. Instead of, hope I get sales this month, try saying, I am attracting aligned clients who are excited to work with me.

Coach-Chef Kimberly Houston (06:48.846)
Another one that I love is people love to give me money. I love saying that mantra out loud. Go ahead and borrow my belief and use it for yourself. So let's recap before we wrap this episode up. Instead of what if I fail, ask what if I succeed beyond my wildest dreams? Instead of I can't figure this out, ask how can I make this work? Instead of I hope this works, declare this is already working in my favor.

Entrepreneurship is a mindset game. And when you shift your thoughts, you shift everything. So here's my challenge for you this week. Pick one of these refrains and use it every single day. Notice how it changes the way you show up. And when you do, send me a message or tag me on Instagram at Coach Chef Kim because I want to celebrate your mindset shifts with you.

For deeper mindset work in aligned action, I am so excited to release and let you guys know that at the top of February, I am starting a new newsletter for culinary entrepreneurs called Kitchen Table Dreams. The subscription will be in the show notes, so make sure you hit that. And for all of you who are looking for ways to work with me in Q1, that will be coming soon as well. Stay tuned to next week.

when I tell you more about my newest offer. Until next time, stay sweet friends.

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