Kitchen Table Dreams Podcast

E93: Money Leaks: How to Control Your Energy and Your Cash Flow

Coach Chef Kimberly Houston Episode 93

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Are hidden energy leaks sabotaging your financial success? In this episode, we uncover how energy and money are connected, why scattered energy leads to scattered cash flow, and how to seal those leaks once and for all. You’ll learn actionable steps to identify where your time, energy, and money are being drained and how to realign them to create abundance.

Tune in to take back control of your money flow and start building financial stability with ease!

You’ll discover:
What energy leaks are and how they impact your money
Practical steps to seal those leaks and realign your focus
How to create aligned habits that support financial abundance

Take control of your money flow today!

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Show Notes: Control Your Money Flow by Fixing Energy Leaks

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Kimberly Houston (00:01.484)
Have you ever wondered why your bank account doesn't reflect how hard you worked?

Welcome back to the Positive Voice Podcast. I am your host, I'm Coach Chef Kim and this is the question that has come up so frequently. I decided it was time for us to run this conversation back. If you really have asked yourself the question, why doesn't my bank account reflects the amount of hard work that I'm doing? The answer isn't just in your spending habits and I think that's the first place that we go look.

is what can I stop spending on? How can I cut something out, et cetera? And I want to pose something different to you. My personal belief is that while, sometimes it is that you have some questionable spending habits, I would also like to raise the fact that I think it's in your energy. So previously, I have shared two podcast episodes. One is

when you are manifesting you should do it as though you're ordering a sandwich, right? Like you wouldn't walk into a sub shop and say let me get a sandwich. They're gonna look at you crazy and they're gonna say what kind of sandwich on what kind of bread, what type of meat, what type of toppings, right? And so you have to get real specific about what it is that you want because if not, once you get the sandwich,

based off of what someone else thinks you should have, it will be out of alignment with whatever it was that you wanted originally. So that's one podcast episode that I'll be sure to link down below. And then the second one is Money is Energy. And I think it's important for us to like really tap into that in this particular climate. And if this doesn't make sense for you, I understand. But for those of you who get it, you'll get it.

Kimberly Houston (01:58.286)
when you are out of energetic alignment, it will start showing up in the places that you tend to pay attention to. So if you are a person who struggles with financial management, then you may begin to see this energetic misalignment in your bank account. If you are someone who focuses more on, let's say, your relationships,

you will begin to see energetic misalignment within the relationships. Right. And so I want to kind of take you on this journey in this episode to be able to identify where you have energy leaks in order to take that control. Okay. Hopefully, y'all are still with me on this one. So let's go there.

Energy and money are directly connected. Money is energy. Here's why I say that. Number one, if we were to all go to the banks and attempt to take out the money that our apps tell us we have access to, if we all went and did that, we would crash the system because that money doesn't actually exist. Literally the money doesn't exist, right?

It exists in theory on the app, but if we all went to the bank and attempted to take out all of our money all at one time, there's no way that we would all receive the physical money that's in there. They would run out. Okay. So that is a fact. That's not my opinion. Google it. That is a fact that the actual money isn't there. Okay.

So if the actual physical dollars are not there, then what is money? Money is a tool, it is a resource, it is something that you use to further your development in life. That's what money is. Well, so is energy, right? Like there are people who energetically are fully in alignment, live wonderful lives, are very happy and don't have a whole lot of money in the bank.

Kimberly Houston (04:18.722)
Why? Because money is an everything. Money is a tool, but so is energy. so energy being the tool that it is, you know when you are in or out of energetic alignment. Let me see if I can explain this a different way. So there are some common energy leaks and they can affect how this shows up financially. One, an emotional leak. When you are going through a lot of stress, doubt,

or guilt around money, it will equal poor financial decisions, which means you will stress shop. You will buy things for other people out of guilt. You will go have tons and tons of plastic surgery done because you doubt that your physical appearance is enough, right? Emotional leaks, which are stress, doubt, or guilt will lead you to poor financial decisions.

Time leaks, wasting time on low value tasks instead of focusing on income generating activities is one of the number one reasons why entrepreneurs are not making money. Procrastination is an energy leak. And I put procrastination under a time leak, right? When you do not take control of your time, if you don't plan your day and tell your day what you're going to do,

You will waste time doing things that do not move the needle in your business.

This is why I use time trackers. This is why like my to-do lists aren't just to-do lists. My to-do lists have times. And so I know from this time to this time, I am doing this activity from this time to this time. I'm doing this activity because the same way my mama used to tell me, if you don't tell your money where to go, it's going to go wherever and you have no idea where it went. The same thing happens with your time. So the same way,

Kimberly Houston (06:28.382)
you need to tell your money where it needs to go, right? If you know you have bills to pay, when you get paid, you're not going to automatically just go swipe that card or go order something on Amazon. You're going to first go look at what's about to come out of my account. What responsibilities do I have? You're telling your money where it goes. Well, the same thing applies to your time. If you are not using or if you have not done a time audit,

to see how long it actually takes you to do things, how long it takes your team to do things. If you don't have actual hard evidence of the amount of time you should be spending doing things, or if you are not putting yourself on a time block and telling yourself you're going to work on this from this time to this time. If you can't honor those things with yourself, you have a time leak. Relationship leaks. When you give too much to people who don't reciprocate,

This happens in money and energy, right? No is a complete sentence. If you say yes, every time someone interrupts you in your day, you are now losing time and energy that you will not be able to recoup.

Several things can be done with this. One, put your phone on do not disturb when you're working. Because when people interrupt you with a text message or a phone call or a FaceTime or if they send you a TikTok, it's going to take you 20 minutes to get back on task. And that's 20 minutes that you've lost, right? That's on average. And so I would state, go on do not disturb when you're working on certain things and build in times for you to check email. Build in times for you to check your voicemail.

build in times for you to check your text messages that way you are not leaking this energy out into the atmosphere in ways that do not serve you business leaks let's talk about the business leaks when you under price over deliver and avoid sales conversations and this has been a big one for me over the last couple of months that is a business leak that's an energy leak that

Kimberly Houston (08:38.882)
will absolutely show up in your bank account, right? My coach asked me maybe two weeks ago, I launched, I first announced something that I'm launching back in December. And out of the 30 people that raised their hand and said they were interested, none of them signed up. And she said to me, when they don't buy, we ask why? Tell me why no one signed up.

And I said, I don't know. And she said, did you ask? And I said, no, I didn't. And she said, okay, so we're going to go back to the drawing board. You're going to release this again because you're still going to offer this service. So we're going to release it again. And this time you're going to ask people if they don't buy, ask them why, right? So a business leak of underpricing, over-delivering and avoiding sales conversations, all are

Low energetic vibrational things and you feel that in your body. So what does that look like? You could have migraines you could Get really anxious or nervous and feel it in the pity or stomach That is a low Energy moments. Okay, and then the last one is a mindset leak if you have a belief like I'm bad with money I don't deserve wealth you are self sabotaging right like that

That is a belief you have to change. No one else can change that for you. If you have any inherent belief that you are bad with money or that you don't deserve to have it, it doesn't matter if I walk up to you and give you a check for $10,000, you won't be an energetic match for keeping the money, even though you were an energetic match for receiving the money. Those two things are not synonymous. There are a lot of people who can make money, but they can't keep it.

Right? And so when you can make money, that just means you have systems in place that make you money. But if energetically you don't actually believe you should have it, you don't believe you are worthy of it, then unexpected bills show up. Or you may run into an emotional leak where you just start spending money just to spend money. You have poor financial decisions.

Kimberly Houston (10:59.584)
you may have some time leaks where you waste your time just because there's money in the bank this month don't mean it's going to be in the bank next month. And so you get real complacent and you begin to have time leaks, right? Where you are wasting your time on low value tasks instead of focusing on income generating activities in order to repeat these things month after month. And so you have to learn how to seal the leak.

and control your money flow. All right, so let's get into some steps on how you can do that. I have five steps for you. Step number one, audit your energy and your money. The way you can do this is for the next seven days, track everything. Track where your time, energy, and money go. Every purchase, every task, every conversation, and begin to notice the patterns. In my daily seven, there are seven things that I do every day. In that daily seven, number six is to

Look at your money. I look at my money every day. I'm noticing the patterns. One of the patterns that I realized is that in November, in January, historically, those have been months that I decided to pay for things for the year.

I don't know why, but whatever the thought process behind that at that time, it no longer works for me. And so I have run into several annual memberships popping up on me in these last couple of weeks. And I'm just like, yo, what was I doing where this is what, this is what was happening for me. and so you, you begin to adjust that, right? Like I had to audit it and I had to go in adjust those things because that's just not serving me in this season.

If you're someone who journals, a journal prompt I would give you around this is where do I feel the most drained and where do I feel energized. So when you are auditing your energy and your money flow, what things do you do to make money in your business or in your job, in your life, it doesn't matter. What things are you doing where you are making money that bring you joy? Things that give you energy, not the things that make you feel drained, do more of that. The things that make you feel drained, I need you

Kimberly Houston (13:17.934)
to ask yourself why. Are you doing something you should be doing as opposed to something you want to be doing? You're going to have to dig a little deeper on why are you feeling drained during these moments. So number one is audit your energy and money flow. Number two, set boundaries around your energy. Stop saying yes to unpaid favors. Stop saying yes to draining commitments.

stop saying yes to low value work. If you launch a new offer, and I remember this happening to me back in 2020, I launched an offer where I was doing a cookie cutter subscription box. And that Friday that we launched it, I made $1,500, but I did not sell any of those cookie cutter boxes. You want to know what happened?

I had multiple people place orders for cookies that were made with those cookie cutters. Not that they wanted to make them themselves. They wanted me to make them because they saw all of my promo photos and then people started ordering those cookies. That was not the point of that. And then I set that boundary, no, because I needed the money, right? And so you have to look at what is a low value work commitment that you are making in your life right now.

Sometimes we don't have a choice, but other times we do. Number three, reallocate your energy towards wealth. Okay, this is a big one. So I want you to spend more energy on high return activities. So focusing on business growth, focusing on investments, and focusing on learning new skills. Ask yourself, if I put this same energy into making money, would I be better off?

So when you find yourself checking email multiple times a day, coming up with another lead magnet when you already have 20, Like go grab one of the ones you've already done and re-release it, right? The content did not go away. You just got bored and decided to go create something else, but it doesn't mean that what you've created in the past is wasted.

Kimberly Houston (15:41.006)
I do not believe that anything that we do is wasted. And so if the creativity was there before, it should still be able to make you money now. All right. In other words, do not waste your energy creating a lead magnet where you got a whole drop box full of them. All right. Step four, create aligned money habits. So do a daily money check-in. Like I explained to you guys before, I do that. Do a daily money check-in. You need to know where your money is going.

Look at your accounts and set an intention. Like set the intention of, excuse me. I direct my energy towards wealth and money flows to me effortlessly. Another money mantra that I have is people love to pay me. People want to work with me. People want to make a financial investment into their future by paying it directly to me.

these are things I speak out loud and I'm not ashamed of it because once I started doing that, people really were saying to me, I would love to invest in this program in order for me to get to that next level. Absolutely, right? Like you have to set that intention in order for the universe, God, angel source to give you the things that you want. And then step number five, change the story you tell about money.

I say this all the time, the reframe is so important. If you believe money is always running away, you will subconsciously make decisions that reinforce it. The new belief that I could give you just real easily is I am in control of my financial energy and I direct it with purpose. I'm gonna give you that one one more time. I am in control of my financial energy and I direct it with purpose.

So those are the five steps that I would give you to seal money and energy leaks that will also help you control the flow of money to you.

Kimberly Houston (17:54.624)
The thing I want to leave you with on this episode is this week spend some time identifying at least one energy leak and commit to sealing it.

There has to be a time where we stop making excuses about not having enough and we align ourselves with the timeline of our highest good where we are making enough. And I don't use my platform to be political, but I'm gonna say this. The only way we're gonna survive the next four years is to make more money. I'm sorry, there's no other way. It's not gonna happen. The game is not set up for the little people to win right now.

And the only way you're going to survive is if you make more money. That doesn't mean you to start a whole new business. It could be a side hustle if you so choose. But the only way this is going to work is to make more money. And so I want to make sure I am doing my due diligence with this podcast, with this platform and being the positive voice in your mind to let you know that you can speak life into your situation. You can seal an energy leak.

you can close the financial gaps just by adjusting your thoughts, which will then in turn adjust how you show up in the world. If this episode resonated with you, share it with someone who needs to hear it. And if you are ready to shift your financial energy in a big way and you are in the culinary community, I would love to invite you to join my kitchen table dreams community. One, it is free. You can come on.

hop on over with us. And for those of you who are ready to really, really go to the next level in your life and in your business, then I would invite you to sign up for Kitchens of Calling Mastermind that will start in March. You are the only person who can control what happens next. This is your opportunity. Until next time, stay sweet friends.

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