Kitchen Table Dreams Podcast

E96: Introducing my Kitchen Table Dream

• Kimberly I. Houston • Episode 96

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📢 Why I Changed My Podcast Name: The Power of Alignment | Kitchen Table Dreams Podcast

Before every big success, there’s a moment of inspiration—the kind that sparks at a kitchen table, scribbled on a napkin, fueled by late-night ideas and early-morning determination.

Welcome to the new era of this podcast—Kitchen Table Dreams.

In this episode, I’m sharing why I rebranded from The Positive Voice to Kitchen Table Dreams and how this shift reflects not just my own evolution, but an important lesson for every entrepreneur navigating growth, change, and alignment.

Inside This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How to recognize when it’s time to pivot in your business
  • The signs of misalignment and how to course-correct
  • Why evolving your brand is a strategic move, not a failure
  • What’s coming next for the Kitchen Table Dreams Podcast

This podcast has always been about alignment, strategy, and emotional intelligence in entrepreneurship—especially for food business owners. That hasn’t changed. If you’ve ever found yourself at a crossroads, wondering if it’s time for a shift, this episode is for you.

Ask yourself: Am I holding on to this because it still fits, or because I’m afraid to let go?

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🎙 Until next time, keep dreaming, keep building, and remember—your next big idea starts right here at the kitchen table.

Kimberly Houston (00:00.814)
So when I first launched the Positive Voice podcast, it was on the heels of me shutting down the Baking Mama podcast because it no longer served me. And the reason that I launched the Positive Voice was because a client and friend said that I am the Positive Voice in her head. And I was like, oh my God, that totally makes sense. At that particular time in my life, I was gun-ho.

hellbent on building community. I wanted to create a space where I could be an encouraging voice for entrepreneurs, reminding them that they weren't alone on this journey. I wanted to help people to reframe their negative thoughts. And all of this was happening because at the time I was in school. And so while I was working on a master's in transformational leadership and coaching,

and then moving into a mind body PhD program. Everything that I was learning was bubbling out of me. And so I used the podcast as my outlet in order to do it. What has happened over the last two years is that the podcast has become more business strategy, more about alignment. I got to the point where I

like there's only so much reframing of your thoughts I can give you and I started to feel like I was sounding like a broken record which is not a bad thing right because there are some things that just don't change you guys know if I start to say you know if you tell me what if this doesn't work you know that my response to you was gonna be what if it does right like there's just some things that you know just like anything after 90 seconds

of a reaction is a choice, right? The amygdala hijack only happens for 90 seconds. Everything after you've been triggered is a choice. And so these are things that people have come to know and learn and grow. And I feel like over the last two years that as I grow, my audience grows. And so I wanted us to move into a new season together. And it didn't feel like we could just do that by making a season three of the Positive Voice podcast.

Kimberly Houston (02:23.462)
it felt like it was time to completely rename it. And if you listen to the last podcast episode, the final Positive Voice podcast episode, it's talking about it matters what people call you. It's talking about your name. And I didn't know when I recorded that podcast that before I would launch the next one, I would completely rebrand and change the name. I didn't know.

One of the things that I can tell you is that when you feel the shift, you must move. And there have been a lot of shifts. We went from having an online community called, well, first there was a Facebook group and then it became an online community and I called it the shift. And what I realized in that shifting was everyone wasn't going to go with me. Right? There were 500 people in the Facebook group and only 28 came over to

our online community and it hit me that like everybody can't go with you to the next level and you cannot force them, you cannot pull them. And so that was a lesson for me. It was a personal lesson. It was a lesson that I had to go through and experience and I was like, cool universe, I got it. And so that's how we came to be in this new era of the podcast, moving into kitchen table dreams.

One of the things that I want you to understand about this is I am an alignment coach, right? I am a business strategist and alignment coach because that is what makes the most sense to me. That is what I talk about all the time and that is how I live my life. And so in recognizing misalignment, when I began to feel that the positive voice was no longer serving me in the way that it needs to serve me, was a couple of things that happened. Number one, the data. So there were some episodes getting more listens, more

plays more views than others. And as I began to look at the content of what people were for, you know, in me not being too punny, but eating up, right? It was things about alignment. It wasn't things about reframing your negative thoughts. It wasn't things where I was talking about neuroscience and adjusting your mindset on that level.

Kimberly Houston (04:47.448)
But if I talked about being in alignment, if I talked about money mindset, eating it up, eating it up. I mean, the data shows that people were consuming that content more than the other. And I was like, okay, cool, cool, No problem, I get it. All right, I'm taking the hint. And for me, even outside of the data, I actually enjoy talking about those things more.

then feeling like a broken record and like I'm saying the same thing over and over again. So once I began to realize that there was some misalignment happening in the positive voice versus where I have envisioned my future, I was like, well, we need to make a change. so Kitchen Table Dreams started as a YouTube series. That's what it was going to be. It was going to be a 10 video YouTube series that talked about

helping food entrepreneurs move to the next level in business. And so that's what was going to start KTD. I launched it at the same time that I launched it is when Hillman took off on TikTok. And so I was like, well, let me talk about it on TikTok. And instead of releasing it over a period of 10 weeks, I released it all at one time in order for people on TikTok to be able to find that content. And while that worked a little bit,

It was still out of alignment with what I was told to do. What I was told to do was release it as a 10-part email series and I did not do that. I dealt with the repercussions of releasing it all at once versus releasing it over a 10-part series, but that's okay, right? Because what we do here is we look for signs of getting back in alignment. But let me tell you about signs of being out of alignment because people ask me that all the time. What are the signs of misalignment?

One, if it doesn't feel good in your body, right? If you can feel in your body, you feel disengaged, you might have a stomach ache when you think about something or you're just like, man, I shouldn't do this, right? Like the discernment that you're feeling physically in your body, that's an easy way to know when you're out of alignment. If you keep doing something over and over, yielding the same result and it's not the result you wanted, you're out of alignment.

Kimberly Houston (07:10.42)
If you know that you should be doing one thing, but you do something else because it seems easier misalignment, there are going to be moments in your journey as an entrepreneur where you were going to get the aha moment. Name me the podcast. Kitchen table dreams literally happened while I was driving home from the grocery store and kitchen table dream, like kitchen table dreams is written on the wall behind me and it's been over there for a month.

But again, it was because I was doing this YouTube series, right? I wanted to grow the YouTube channel. I wanted to see to a thousand people who are subscribed to the YouTube channel. So if you're not subscribed, please look in the show notes and go subscribe. But I was trying to figure out how do I combine my life as a chef with my life as an alignment coach and bring these two things together. And I started thinking about how when I started my entrepreneurial journey,

I was at my kitchen table at my apartment, apartment number 1402. And I remember sitting there having conversations with one of my best friends and we were discussing what my bakery was going to look like. And this is like 12, 13 years ago, but that dream started at the kitchen table. And I was like entrepreneurs before they make it before they build the business, before they build the

the office like my office is beautiful now, right? But it's 10 years later and now I have it. But in the beginning at the start of my entrepreneurial journey, all I had was my kitchen table. And that is where all the dreams began. And I was like, how many other entrepreneurs literally stop birthing their dreams from their kitchen table? How many people are out of alignment with where they're supposed to go? How many people are still trying to run a business

in a season that has passed. How many people are still chasing something and the opportunity is gone? Seasons change. Businesses change. People change. And there are absolutely moments in your life where you realize that the grace for that season, for that type of business, being run in that type of way, has run out.

Kimberly Houston (09:32.544)
And when it runs out, you know, you feel out of alignment. Nothing is working. Flash sales don't work. Raising your prices doesn't work. Lowering your prices doesn't work. And it's because the universe is telling you the grace for this season has run out. And I am here to tell you it is OK for you to change your mind. It is OK for you to move on to the next thing.

The issue that we have as entrepreneurs is we are not thinking about the fact that success does not always equal monetary value.

Success could be that you ran your bakery, you ran your catering company, you ran whatever your small business is for a certain amount of time. And now the grace for that season has run out and it's time for you to do something different. You feel it in your soul. You're supposed to be doing something different. You can literally feel the universe pulling you towards something different, but you're afraid to move because you are afraid of what other people have to say.

You are afraid of what somebody else is going think about you. And I am here to tell you, baby, F them people. They don't have to live in your skin. They don't have to go to sleep and dream about something different every single night. They don't have to wake up every single day realizing that you are out of alignment and you are not doing the thing you've been put on the face of this earth to do. And so when we recognize that we are out of alignment, you have to let it go.

And so that's what I ended up doing with the Positive Voice podcast. I know that speaking is my number one way to reach people. I'm very aware of that. It's in all of my strengths finders assessments. It's the number one way that people join my email list is by hearing me. It's by meeting me in person. It's not even by reading my blog, even though I love to write. That's not what it is. People are attracted to me.

Kimberly Houston (11:30.914)
when they hear the sound of my voice. And so I knew that the podcast was going to be the number one way I would reach the masses of people. But I also realized that the masses of people that I have been called to lead and talk to were not going to find me if I kept the name of that podcast, the positive voice. And so when kitchen table dreams hit me while I was driving, I heard literally while I was driving, I heard myself say,

Well, welcome to the kitchen table dreams podcast. And I almost ran off the road. Not kidding. Not being dramatic. So serious. I was like, crap. Yeah. Like that, that is the name of the podcast. That is the name of the podcast. And so I came home and I did my research and I did the Googles and I looked it all up, bought the URL immediately. And now here we are. Right.

And so the Kitchen Table Dreams podcast literally was birthed in that moment. I knew immediately I needed to go change things and so within 24 hours I had adjusted the logo that shows up now. So even though the Positive Voice podcast still exists and all of those things are still there, they now say Kitchen Table Dreams. I took the time to change out the intro and outro, got new music, and just begin.

to go forth with the vision that I had. And so you have to understand nobody's going do it for you. They're not. Was it convenient for me to have this revelation a week ago? No, absolutely not. No, it wasn't. Have other things to do. This was super inconvenient. However, it was immediately and directly right on time. And so who am I to tell the universe that I'm not going to do what it told me to do until I did? Now.

what we have to leading into that, right? So before every big success, there's a moment of inspiration. And that moment of inspiration is what gets you to where you're going. And for a lot of people, it happens at the kitchen table. And so whether that is literally or figuratively for you is where you dream, plan, and take the first steps towards something bigger. And that is what this podcast is leaning into doing in this season.

Kimberly Houston (13:52.654)
So the lesson that I want to give you today is how do you know when it's time to pivot? It feels like 2020 all over again where everybody was pivoting and doing something different. And if you live in the United States, you feel the energy that I feel and baby, we are in another season of pivot. So you have to understand when change is necessary. You also have to understand that everything is not a growing pain.

That was something, if you're a new entrepreneur, want to hit you to some game. People will tell you that this is hard work and that that's just a growing pain of being in business. Sometimes yes, but then there are moments where you're like, this is not a growing pain. This is a choice that I am staying in when I know I have been called to something greater.

There's a difference. Some things are growing pains and some things are true misalignment. So here are three signs to know when it's time for a shift. Number one, your brand no longer reflects your future vision. I know what the future of my company looks like. I know what the multimillion dollar company that I am building with Teach Me How To Bake looks like and keeping my podcast, The Positive Voice, was out of alignment with where I'm going with Teach Me How To Bake.

That was the first thing, right? So your brand no longer reflects your future vision. Number two, your audience and offerings have evolved, but your messaging hasn't. My audience is wildly different now than when it was when I started The Positive Voice. I had another coach tell me that I needed to talk about mindset, that I was really good at it.

And even though was in school for it, right? So because I was in school for it, I should talk about mindset to their audience. And because so many people from their audience joined my audience, that's all I talked about. And it was out of alignment with my original goals. While I do still talk about mindset, it's in a very different perspective.

Kimberly Houston (16:15.24)
because I began to create content for someone else's audience as opposed to creating content for the people who were assigned to me. So when your audience and your offerings have evolved, but your messaging hasn't, it is time for you to pivot and you need to get back into alignment. And then number three, you feel disconnected between the things that you say and what you want to build. Y'all listen to me.

The vision that I have for Teach Me How to Bake started as one thing in 2020. It was just supposed to be classes for kids, that it was a brand for children. That's why my colors are so colorful. It was a brand for children. That was, I had a master's degree in education. I went to culinary school and the thing that

gives me the most joy was teaching children in the kitchen. That is where Teach Me How to Bake came from. Teach Me How to Bake has evolved over the years where I'm not necessarily teaching the children anymore, but now I am teaching other people how to teach children because I realized during the pandemic as people were beginning to pivot and moving to online classes and looking for their pandemic offer.

and all these parents were at home with their children, that is when I released my textbook. And the thing that I discovered when I released my textbook is I wrote it with homeschool children in mind. And so that meant anybody could just buy this book and teach a kid how to do it. That was the thought. The reality is though, is that I went to school as an educator. And so there are some things that I know as an educator.

that's not going to be found within that textbook. There are some things that I do naturally when I'm in a classroom in front of children. And I was like, wait, people don't know how to do this. Everybody can't teach kids. And so maybe I should start teaching the teachers. That became a thing. OK? So Teach the Teachers became a really big thing for me. If you've been listening to this podcast for the last two, three years, if you follow me on social media, if you've been a part of any of my coaching programs, you know.

Kimberly Houston (18:37.016)
that teach the teacher was the thing I have been trying to build for so long. And I have run into other coaches who was like, well, it's going to take you a minute to get to that point. You can't and you should do this and you should do that. Let me tell you something about discernment. Discernment will have you take a detour on your journey. And that's what I feel like happened to me over the last two years is that I took a detour.

on my journey because I have not been released from the assignment of what Teach Me How to Bake is supposed to be. And so while I took a detour and I learned a lot on the journey, I'm not knocking it, I'm not mad at it. If I had to do it again, I don't know that I would change anything because the things that I've learned about running a business in the midst of the detour, I don't think I would have ever learned them if I just stayed on the straight and narrow. So I'm grateful.

for those moments, for those coaching opportunities, for the people that I've met, for the schools that I've attended. But there became a disconnect between what I was doing and saying and what I'm supposed to be building. And so I had to go back and really sit and vision as a visionary, what is this business going to look like?

If Teach Me How to Bake is going to be a multi-million dollar corporation, what's going to happen? It's not just teaching people how to bake. What is it? It's a publishing company. It's a coaching program. It's a certification program for people who want to teach and who want to use my curriculum. It's me still having more curriculum and books that haven't been released yet, right? There's all these things. I did a content audit.

and discovered three classes that I fully created and never released. I discovered books that I started, never released. There's an entire children's book series where we have characters, they have been animated. It took us months to get it done, not released. There are so many things that I've been doing, just kind of dabbling in them over the last couple of years and never putting my full attention into them.

Kimberly Houston (20:59.586)
because somebody else said they didn't think it was a good idea. Can I tell you something about other people who give you advice and you didn't ask for it? It's not their vision. It's not their vision. It's yours. And there are going to be moments where that vision is so big that you go ask other people, do you see that? Do you see that thing over there I'm supposed to be doing? And they're going to tell you, that's too big.

That's too much. There's no way you're going to be able to do that by yourself. And the reality is that if you can see it, you can also bring it to pass. There's no other way around that. If you were given the vision, you will also have provision in order to bring it to pass. So if you were the person who was feeling that nudge right now, you can sense that your brand, your business, or even a personal project isn't quite fitting you anymore. That's OK. I want to remind you of this. Change isn't failure. It's growth.

and it is an opportunity for realignment. If you're struggling with a decision like this, ask yourself, am I holding on to this because it still fits or am I holding on to it because I'm afraid to let go? That question alone will unlock so much clarity for you. So you guys now fully understand what happened, how we got here.

And now I want to tell you what's coming up and where do we go from here. This podcast means even more alignment strategy and honest conversations about what it really takes to build a business that feeds your soul, not just your bank account. We will be diving into mindset shifts, business moves and personal growth that makes success sustainable.

Do not worry if you were someone who met me on the positive voice journey, you're still in the right place, friend. You are still in the right place. This podcast is still going to inspire you, challenge you, and help you grow. But now we're doing it with an even clearer vision. If this episode spoke to you, I want to hear from you. Screenshot this episode, share it on Instagram.

Kimberly Houston (23:15.628)
tag me at KitchentableDreams because that is what we are now on social media. Let me know what your biggest takeaway was. And of course, if you haven't hit that subscribe button yet, please do so so that you never miss an episode. Dreamers, until next time, keep dreaming, keep building. And remember, your next big idea starts right here at the Kitchentable.

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